Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Lump in Your Throat

Poetry really gets me thinking . . .

- how can I promote poetry?
- where will I publish my poetry?
- who wants to write poetry?
- If I walk my talk, will students write poems?
- if you don't try, you'll never know
- you must try, I must try!

Fabianspace: On Writing and Digging Out of Holes

Fabianspace: On Writing and Digging Out of Holes



God and Science Can Co-Exist?
The leads suck me in just as intended and then I am days behind. I wonder how you make it all work? Time for all the blogs you really want to read? I can't seem to find time to do what I NEED to do let alone read all the blogs and respond to the really interesting, captivating few I might manage. I want to find some way to make it work at least for the summer. Without drowning in mud and sinking in mole holes . . . my yard of elsewhere. Yes, not to sink in mole holes. That's a goal. A dream in the spring.

What the Courage to Change Looks Like

What the Courage to Change Looks Like

Step up to the plate and show everybody what you look like. As they say on "The Biggest Loser" you have to show them how much you weigh, how big you belly is, why you are here and what makes you want to change. It takes courage to show people how fat you are, how out of shape, how close to the bottom you have come. It takes courage to change, to leave the rutt, and change for the better. What if you change and life doesn't become any better even with the changes? That's going to knock the crap right out of you. What if you make changes and nothing is any different after the changes? Remember, it takes courage to even try. If you give it a try, make the effort to change, you are on the right foot. Stepping out and marching toward the change. It's all good when you move toward change! And keep moving toward the goal.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Educational Resources - Books are the BEST!

Educational Resources

While visiting a friend in the neighborhood yesterday, I was delighted to hear this friend's mother read a book they had checked out of our library in Dimondale. The book is by David Schwartz. The title is If You Hopped Like a Frog This book led me to feel that I can succeed in science, even in physics. I always KNEW learning is full of fun, way more than I ever even imagined possible. Math was my least favorite subject, but science was fun (never this much fun though)! So, even as an 'old lady' librarian and English teacher, the world of learning still surprises me and I NEVER, EVER tire of books.

It still feels great to hold a book and read; in bed, on the beach, in the car, train, or plane . . .
What's the best book you have read lately? Picture books? Fiction? What makes you day when you read?